Links are Text Annotations, which open web addresses (URLs) or jump to specific positions within the same or within an external document when clicked.
Creating Links
Choose Tool Text to activate the text tool. The cursor is transformed into a text entry symbol. Click anywhere in the document to enter text at that position.
After entering the link text, choose Tool Tool Styles
In the Configure Link window, choose if you want to create a Web Link, a link to a page within the Current Document, or to an External Document.
If you chose Web Link, enter the Web URL on the right.
If you chose Current Document, enter the Target Page below and select the Destination Position by moving the cross hairs in the page preview on the right.
If you chose External Document, enter the absolute or relative Path to the document, and the Target Page.
Confirm with OK and end text entry by pressing the Esc key or by clicking outside the text field.
Editing Links
To edit a link, click the text (if the text tool is active) with the Ctrl key pressed down, or select the annotation by right clicking it, then choosing Edit Text. To edit the link, choose Tool Tool Styles
Link. After modifying the link properties in the Configure Link window, close the window with OK or Cancel, and end your editing by pressing the Esc key or by clicking outside the text field.
Deleting Links
To delete a link without erasing the whole text annotation, click the text (if the text tool is active) with the Ctrl key pressed down, or select the annotation by right clicking it, then choosing Edit Text. To edit the link, choose Tool Tool Styles
Link. In the Configure Link window, press the Delete button on the bottom left. End your editing by pressing the Esc key or by clicking outside the text field.
See also