Creating and Modifying Bookmarks
You can make it easier to navigate through documents by creating bookmarks. Quick access to the documented functions is available through the Sidebar.
Creating Bookmarks
To create a new bookmark, go to the page that you want the bookmark to link to, and click the Add a Bookmark button. Enter a title and choose whether the new bookmark should appear before, after or underneath another bookmark.
Another way to create a bookmark is to select some text using the Extract Text tool, and then click the Create Bookmark option.
Deleting Bookmarks
Select the bookmark that you want to delete in the Sidebar and click the Delete Bookmark button.
Renaming Bookmarks
Select the bookmark in the Sidebar and click the Rename Bookmark button.
Renaming Bookmarks
Select the bookmark in the Sidebar and click one of the Move Bookmark buttons (arrow buttons). The Move up and Move down buttons move the bookmark up or down within the same level. The Move right and Move left buttons move the bookmark into an upper or lower level within the bookmark tree.
See also